This trip was a grand total of only 5 full days and I decided to spend 1 of those in Brussels, so time was of the essence, while packing space was still limited. I stuck to wearing this look all day (pre- and post- our usual midday nap), which leads me to the topic of this short write-up: personal comfort.
The Instagram blogger space in beyond saturated today and if you’re into fashion even slightly, I bet your feed is filled with photos of extra facetuned women in exquisite outfits, in the world’s most prestigious and exclusive locations, in front of photoshopped sunrises and sunsets… But in reality, that’s not what travel looks or feels like for them, for us, for anybody. So many of us push ourselves to recreate that kind of life and end up in locations we don’t want to go to, wear things that don’t even reflect our personal styles and worst of all, buy things we don’t need. It took me a long time and a lot of work on building my own sense of style and “strength” to say “no” to trends I don’t like, whether it’s in blogging, travel or obviously fashion.
Every element of this look speaks to my personal style and I feel beyond comfortable in it; I could wear it day after day after day (if not for obvious hygiene reasons… because ew). And I honestly don’t care that we’re missing shoe consistency in photos: while walking long distances and stair-climbing in the morning, I wore flip-flops, for a semi-fancy evening dinner, I wore block-heel sandals. And no, I wasn’t going to carry sandals or whatever other heels with me in the morning to change into for the photo. Because why? Because I don’t want to. I want to be comfortable in what I wear and confident in what I do, especially when Im jet-lagged, tired and have a slight buzz from my brunch mimosa… and that is real life.
Let’s start a conversation. Tell me a little about yourself and what you thought about the post!
I approach this blog as a diary – taking you on my honest sustainable fashion & lifestyle journey, with sustainability aspects I slowly adopt, struggle with and feel passionate about. I’m building INNABOSE.COM to be an informative, visual & creative resource inspiring even the smallest changes in the world.
I’m also a Ukrainian New Yorker – having strong pride and patriotism for both: my homeland and my current home
. For years, I’ve been on a side mission to capture my stunning NYC and elevate the depth and beauty of my Ukrainian culture, fashion and language (some of my posts are in Ukrainian!)
February 24, 2022 – my digital space shifted to include information about russia’s war on Ukraine, the devastation and destruction my home country is dealing with and the bravery, strength and inspiring spirit they are facing it with. A large portion of my posts today highlight Ukrainian brands, fashion, culture & the strong, incredible Ukrainians making gorgeous clothes you can buy & support local businesses, economy & people fighting for freedom every day. We are also a community who donates to Ukrainian organizations found in any of my recent posts!
Inna Bose