The year was 2014. The job was the first out of college. The shopper was yours truly – not the most typical Prada clientele, to put it mildly… Walking into Bloomingdale’s ready to leave a savings account in exchange for one dream bag. my attitude reflected 2010s: probably the era of peak influencer culture, when fascination hasn’t worn off and every Insta-recommendation wasn’t nearly as questioned as it is today. No “#ad”!? No problem! I was the typical influencer promo victim marching towards the Prada logo thinking I’ll never regret the investment. And against all odds, I never did.
A little while ago, I wrote a post about my shopping formula – a few basic steps a shopper can follow and questions they can answer before swiping that card. I adapted this methodology when switching to sustainable shopping habits but I subconsciously used it my whole life. Making this investment into Prada Milano wasn’t just influenced by a trend, it wasn’t impulsive – I thought about this purchase for years. That might sound silly to some consumers, but sometimes an impeccably crafted item can captivate. This was an investment of my work, my time, my research – end result is an accessory I’ve been wearing for a decade, one that perfectly defines my personal style. Every time I take it out of a duster bag and loop the strap across a shoulder, I’m confident the bag is practical, durable, versatile.
This post definitely veers on the side of a diary entry – my reflection on a 10-year-old purchase that may seem obnoxious (this was a $$$$ investment that took me years to save for) but I don’t regret not for a second. A testament to a strong shopping formula: uncover your personal style, solidify what elements fit your personality, weigh options, do research, calculate pros and cons – it’ll always pay off with zero regrets.
Oh and of course: this was shot in Murano – the most incredible travel destination next door to the most overrated one (Venice…yikes). I’m wearing THE bag, a thrifted wide brimmed hat from Depop, a mini dress by Keepsake (an Australian brand) and flats by Rothy’s, my new go-to brand for comfortable gorgeous sustainable footwear worth every penny.
On this blog, we talk about ethical fashion, brands and trends transforming the industry and we also support Ukraine – quick break to donate $5!
Support the Armed Forces of Ukraine through donations for tactical & military aid.
Support the Armed Forces of Ukraine through financing purely defence initiatives.
Support my hometown – Sumy. Money raised is used to support territorial defenses.
Support a volunteer association “Zgraya” – helping soldiers, civilians & animals.
Donate to purchase medicine to send to wounded soldiers & hospitals on the front lines.
Let’s start a conversation. Tell me a little about yourself and what you thought about the post!
I approach this blog as a diary – taking you on my honest sustainable fashion & lifestyle journey, with sustainability aspects I slowly adopt, struggle with and feel passionate about. I’m building INNABOSE.COM to be an informative, visual & creative resource inspiring even the smallest changes in the world.
I’m also a Ukrainian New Yorker – having strong pride and patriotism for both: my homeland and my current home
. For years, I’ve been on a side mission to capture my stunning NYC and elevate the depth and beauty of my Ukrainian culture, fashion and language (some of my posts are in Ukrainian!)
February 24, 2022 – my digital space shifted to include information about russia’s war on Ukraine, the devastation and destruction my home country is dealing with and the bravery, strength and inspiring spirit they are facing it with. A large portion of my posts today highlight Ukrainian brands, fashion, culture & the strong, incredible Ukrainians making gorgeous clothes you can buy & support local businesses, economy & people fighting for freedom every day. We are also a community who donates to Ukrainian organizations found in any of my recent posts!
Inna Bose